Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A Memary Wednesday

1. Small town or big city? Big, or maybe small but only for a short time. I love the anonymity of massive cities like Sydney, Tokyo, London and Paris...and despite all the calls that they don't have character, each does and finding it is half the fun.

2. Do you have a favorite childhood memory, and if so, would you share it? 'Yes' and 'no'.

3. How do you calm down when something has really upset and/or angered you? Do you swallow it? Call a friend and rant? Go in the bathroom and cry? Punch a wall? Walk around muttering to yourself, complete with scary hand gestures? Used to go for a run or punch something hard, but now those two are a bit more difficult to do or find so I just take it.

4. What attracts you to memes? I like learning a bit more about my friends & feel I should reciprocate.

5. From mads : How reliant are you on computers to get through your day? I thought I was a lot more reliant, but then I went travelling...and then my computer died thus I've found the ability to go without.

6. In a crisis, are you calm or do you panic? Same as Mads I think: I'm usually pretty calm, although maybe I'm just good at hiding my panic!

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