Monday, July 31, 2006

Monday Meme, Take: 2

1. Do you have a photo blog? If so, feel free to share the link with us! Umm...yes a bit - just a flickr thing - but the limit's a killer - so as of tomorrow there'll be a lot more there.
2. How many pets do you own, and what are their names? If none, have you had a favorite pet in the past? None here in Canberra, but in Sydney we've got Tessa, a beautiful if mischievous border collie. Her 'predecessor' Panda was not only a beautiful dog but also much better behaved. Still not sure which is/was my favourite though.
3. How many times a week does the carpet in your house get vacuumed? No carpet? How many times a MONTH do your floors get mopped? Probably once a month, or whenever Vicki's in the cleaning mood.
4. Which room in your house do you spend the most time in? The living room, it's become my default room with the lack of space in my bedroom.
5. Have you read any good books lately? Starship Troopers and Words & Rules. They're both in my profile, and they're both fantastic reads for anyone who's interested in the future of warfare or the future of language respectively.
6. What is your biggest source of news? (Newspaper? Television? Radio? Other?) I've become a bit of an information junkie, in NZ & Fiji I actually had a bit of's become a bit disturbing. But I've found my favourite sources, each of them reliable, current (and leaning the right way): Reuters, ITWire, the Australian, Janes, New Scientist and finally the good ol' ABC and BBC.

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