Monday, August 28, 2006

Meme again

1. Do you do dishes by hand or do you use a dishwasher? By hand, begrudgingly.
2. How many people have your cell phone number?
Many, but not too many so that I get calls from numbers my phone doesn't recognise.
3. Do you shower in the morning or at night?
Morning - it's the best way to wake up.
4. Do you ever have a song 'stuck' in your head?
I had that damn Numa Numa in my head for months.
5. Do you pay your bills when they arrive, or do you wait until closer to the due date to pay them?
I wait until my 'secretary' reminds me to pay them...if I'm consistent, then I can blame her for them being late.
6. Are you obsessive about anything in particular?
Footsteps and things that should be lined up.
7. What one thing would you say you have a zero tolerance for?
Contradictory opinions and oblivious...ness.


KaosSmurf said...

"maea HEEEE maea HAAA meae HOOO maea HA HA"

**cue evil laughter**

Mads said...

What's your footstep obsession?

crip said...

if at all posible, i try to take off on my left and for each step i take with my left foot, i have to take one with my right - i used to count as well but got that out of my system with cadets