Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The other meme

1. How many "people" pictures do you have displayed in your house? I know of 10.
2. How many times a month/year do you rearrange your furniture? Haven't as yet in this house.
3. Do you check your email every day? If so, how many times a day? Pretty much...I had withdrawl symptoms when I was on holiday.
4. How often do you generally look at a clock/watch on any given day? Too many...worrying about a concept as abstract as time just proves how self-absorbed we are.
5. How do you handle telemarketer phone calls? I started politely saying no thank you, but over the last year I've become more and more jaded to the point that I now say "No" straight away and if they don't hang up I just keep saying "Tell me more" until I'm bored and I'm sure their average has been pushed up a notch.

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