Thursday, September 14, 2006

Pirates warm-up part II

On the offical Talk Like a Pirate Day website, there's a list of pirate pick-up lines including:
"Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly?"

"That’s the finest pirate booty I’ve ever laid eyes on."

"That’s some treasure chest you’ve got there."...and even

"Pardon me, but would ya mind if fired me cannon through your porthole?"

There's even lines for wenches, such as:
"So, tell me, why do they call ye, 'Cap'n Feathersword?'"

"That's quite a cutlass ye got thar, what ye need is a good scabbard!"

...and the most reliable line for a girl in any situation:
"You. Pants off. Now!"


KaosSmurf said...

yarr indeed...

'tis a better possiblity indeed than givin' the olde flag-pole a polishin'!

Alas, reckon I'll be rockin' the hammock alone if I try 'em out wi' my wee wenchie

(apparently I'm a scottish pirate! avast!

KaosSmurf said...

"Baton down the hatches and prepare to be boarded!"